Sunday, April 11, 2010

Chad Scoville's Numericity - VERY DELICIOUS!!!!!


The technopolitical meridian informational realization has transpired. The collapse of global financial markets in the fall of 2008 marks the apogee. The transnational capital devaluation, deleveraging of institutional credit positions, and implosion of banking is cloaked. In actuality, these occurrences are merely surface phenomena; a transparency to a much more sinister development. That action is the symbolic redefinition of traditional capital notation.

We must intuit that the contemporary real is a numeric interdependency. An amalgamation of data seen and interpreted by our own cognition, in which we act, rationally and irrationally. How human agents experience this real from a biological standpoint in terms of physiological sense is minor compared to the virtureal environs.

This contemporary real, a computational spatiality, functions as a numeric totality. It is a functionally expanding entropic architecture. It operates the massively multi-parallel scale of binary engineering relative to symbolic arithmetic representation by supercollective feudalists. Controlling numericity, a class of value which never actually exists, does not exist, but rather, is an abstracted metaphoric expression of storage capacity, grid networks, and silicon. It is absent of standing armies, nuclear weaponry, or even capability to penetrate. The final plight of politics. What we are seeing is the dominance of big numbers.

The screen of patternistic human behavior reflected across the polytronic mirroring of lcd vision, becomes a chaotic yet deterministic resultant of numerical creativity. These numbers, large numbers, very large numbers, very very large numbers bear no human conceivable analog in terms of real and rational empirical experience. Competitive feudalist warring enterprises constitute a machination of numbers, engineering and calculating decimal places, logarithms and LaPlace transforms. These concepts seemingly facilitating an exasperated disparity between antiquated human perception of volume through actual iris and real eyes, and that of computer vision programs and algorithms.

One imagines and witnesses the emergence of extraordinary quantities of collateral assets, impenetrable in scale to the human neural fabric. Scientifically however, such values are bits flashing across an ethernet connection at the London Stock Exchange, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the Deutsche Bourse, or the NYSE with no actualized relevance. The potentialities are what become exhausted and contentiously grappled with. The drainage of potentiality by contraction of symbolic capital has everything to do with the violent activity of resignifying value in terms of collateral debt obligations, LIBOR spreads, and credit default swaps. If you have these, you are l33t. If you don’t, well then it’s a rap son.

We enter into the volatile and fantastic phantasm of cyclical existential explosion in which these catastrophic patterns of opportunity are expediently trailed by drastically accelerated double-inverse downturns and fiscal contractions. The recent realization observed in double-return exchange trade funds reflexively demonstrate this phenomena. It will be a brilliant shining eclipse of modernity, whereas valuation by exorbitant computationally facilitated power-law enhanced derivative instruments demonstrate the true departure of cultural progeny as seen in the context of arithmetic substantiation. An age whereas millions becomes anachronistically subdued by the beginning of new and novel era. An era tragically coined and denoted in thousand trillions and thousand million billions. Failure of anyone to be able to own this language results in a lack of agency in a new feudal, transpolitical, post-nation state array.

These numbers of representational significance convey little in terms of anything actually mentally conceivable, let alone fiscal inheritance. Instead, such diction makes possible the instantaneous catapult of capital and cache by power-law rated quant trading engines, hence featuring and catalyzing possible transfers of capability within the counterpoint of femtoseconds. A praxis of instantaneous execution. Dark pools of liquidity sanctioned by cryptographically anonymous market partnering. Digital opulence amassed in neural networks with random lossless contributions to extralegal terrorism and the demise of the international systems of interaction. A collapse which manifests a unipolar entity controlling monetary policy, at last completely removed from the hand of direct democracy.

What is a thousand billion? What is fifty-five trillion? Is there any possible physical relationship that can be identified by the empirical observer inquiring as to the approximate scale to which such capital assets commanding the mathematical characterization as such intuit? Whence contemporary society intuits massive scalars of asset transactions in the order of a hundred thousand billion, the cognitive capability of electorates and government policy adherents seem to lose the functional capacity to even slightly envision the numerical depth and relevance of such symbolic crafting.

It is a activity of motive analysis and psychological whodunit - placing the language representing these sums of assets electronically and computationally, and illustrating them not with numbers, but charts and graphs meandering across cartesian planes of axis. Further abstracting the rational countenance of numercity and applying a phenomena that can be no more aptly described than being completely cinematic. The cinema of numericity, the financial ramparts and market speculation, the constant price/earning ratio analysis, the intraday trading patterns, collating to proffer the documentary record of elegant
collapse, the elegy of return, the grand trilogy of hypercapitalism made way through ‘Fast Money’ and CNBC.

Numericity is what needs to be defined in light of this discourse, as a passively totalitarian ethic towards monopolizing capital and power. Those with command of the rational arithmetic, able to execute the vast calculation on zillioncal scale, are able to infer the massively parallel transfer of value. They corner value, and hence manipulate the endgame of hypercapitalism through asymmetric quantitative economics. War is in the delocalization of arithmetic symbol towards a macrointernationalization of currency strategy. A violence subjected by financial conglomerates towards the people they service. A war of transfer of capital from the public to the private sphere. A privatization of profits through the socialization of risk. Those who control the numbers, who possess the acumen and erudition of capturing the numericity of extraglobal interrelationships, will also be in a position to dictate the pace with which violence is deployed.

Computational ubiquity and network ambience tends to promulgate the pervasiveness, activation, and potentiality of increasingly large volumes of indexical arrays of data. With these bundles and binders of information literally swooning from their corpuscles of injunction, and careening into the progeny of interaction, the numerical base 10 system at some point seems to possibly have the occurrence to be thwarted by a more efficient means of symbolic representation. These are known as credit default swaps, collateral debt obligations, and other exotic derivative instruments. The formal ritual by which the canonization of the new systemic arithmetic becomes instantiated into the psychology of the collective is bearing witness to the elegant collapse and ever so dramatic destruction. It is in these numbers that the new mathematics of financialization is revealed.

We exclamate that the propensity to abstract such voluminous magnitudes of value, of commodities, of lives, of matter is a violent act in itself. The culmination of abstraction through fiscal engineering. It is a hermetic process of psychological coercion – appealing to the belief component of wanting to have faith, of supernatural forecasting ability. But there is nothing but randomness and chaos with scant determinism available only for those with the grid capability of terabytic computational faculty. The masses, capitulated and entranced by the imaginative possibilities which embrace the extravagantly polytronic media rich textured analytical videogame like newscasts, fall victim to the larceny of this technical crime. Civilians act as endpoints, points on a graph, being completely unfamiliar with the dealings of such incredibly large valued products and hence becoming intellectually distant from the possibility of controlling or administering them.

The activity counting is sourced to machines, whereas previously had been the domain of intelligent agents (brains) possessing the technology to elucidate a symbol representative of constituent asset value. Subscribing this to tools abstracts the function, it’s index, as well as the symbols with which such machinations dutifully are trusted to represent. With the imminent extrapolation of complexity and sophistication pertaining to human civilization in concurrence with it’s continued progression, the production of symbols as representations of value takes on new significance and arguably, constructs changes considerably and radically.

It is inefficient to continually rely on anachronistic imperatives which limit the thinking functionality to domains of intellect severely disjoined from the nature of empirical reality given our understanding of the universe as indicated through the scientific method. Construing our thoughts, our endeavors, aims, means, and attitudes in terms of linearity, single and double digit products, implicitly limits our collective wisdom and effectively grounds the imaginary and well of what is possible towards something of previous epochs. Informationalism contends not only the disavowal of modernist tools and techniques for interpreting the real, but also the fundamental root analytical numbering system which forms the basis for organizing reality into epistemologically demonstrable quantities.

The inequitably gigantic streams of processed data constantly mined by the electronic megastructure of contemporaneous civilization proves pragmatically inconsequential any rational analysis in terms of linearity and modern symbolic interpretation. Presenting data sets absent of the temporality proves to be even more of a futility. When compared with apparent randomness evidenced by excessively fluctuating and far ranging initial conditions, the creation of algorithmic predication becomes a student of chaos theory hoping from some element of elegant determinism. It will be the principal means of attainment to provide for a forecasting mechanism which does less in terms of singular symbolic interpretation, but rather, one of trend-variant behaviorialism identifying statistical and quantitative outcomes of game theory-based scenarios. Every moment, every instance, every pattern, and every wink is calculated for both it’s randomness as well as it’s rationality and determinism. Chasing entropy across the landscape of inquiry, it will be the future.

Whereas every atom is counted, every molecule statistically analyzed, every reaction postulated, and every space electromagnetically organized, vectors of arithmetic signification become passive indicators in light of volumes impossible to visualize by the human neural fabric. We become extinct as agents of possibility and metadata to a new and migrating reality.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Choosing to shove my own head up my own ass - a research proposal

Fuzzy, Emergent, and Autonomous

This study is partly inspired by a personal professional engagement with communities at the grassroots level in highly politicized environments – a condition where sometimes subtle and delicate variations of community engagement offer life-enhancing opportunities. Of equal inspiration is the influence of Media Ecology, which studies the impacts of different media on human beings; it is slightly confusing and yet, media ecologists have personally been some of the most profoundly inspiring and influential theorists read. This confluence of interests has lead to this novel study of the beneficence of participatory social engagement techniques. This case study will attempt to consider the case of social engagement techniques as media phenomena, and assess them from the context of media ecology. It will ask how real life participatory social engagement techniques generate the media phenomena of mass conditioning, or autonomy, freedom, and liberation.

Typically, from a social development perspective, social engagement techniques are categorized and framed as affecting co-generation of knowledge, and advancing the common good (Buckles & Chevalier, 2008. p.11). Media from that vantage point are viewed as external to and affecting social engagement techniques. This study will make its case by first reversing that perspective and attempting to reframe social engagement techniques as media centered primarily on Marshal McLuhan’s definition of media and the affects of media on society. Additionally, this study will examine media ecology literature in areas pertaining to the relationship between media and autonomy and in general media ecology theory for understanding the impact of media, in this case social engagement techniques, on society. This study will provide a fresh perspective for understanding of the nature of social engagement techniques by drawing on this comparative between affects of participatory social development techniques and those of other media.

Considering Social Engagement Techniques as Media

Social engagement techniques are crucial to group dialogue, for creation and mobilization of practical and authentic decision making (Chevalier and Buckles, p. 19). The primary value expressed within social engagement techniques is that collaborative and cooperative interaction builds consensus and produces meaningful outcomes (Chevalier and Buckles, p.15 ). In addition to this social engagement, the intent of community development or participatory social engagement techniques (list ?) is to help people uncover shared culture; to modify and transform culture.

For McLuhan his definition of media includes all technologies, their forms and structures, due primarily to their affect on how humans perceive and understand the world (McLuhan, 1964, p.8). McLuhan uses interchangeably the words medium, media, and technology. Analogously, social engagement techniques affect how we perceive and understand the world around us and therefore fit appropriately within this definition of media.

Media Affects

In earlier formative years a strong personal enjoyment was garnered in watching a lot of television, never considering its impact on the mind, thoughts, or reactions. Blissfully unaware, there was no personal concern with what McLuhan and his contemporaries in the field of media ecology consider - that television, and all emerging media technologies, connect with and interplay with our nervous systems. This idea of technological somnambulism (Winner, date? p.105) stands in direct opposition to the western world’s construct of freedom, autonomy and liberty and questions the reality and existence of these social memes in the current storm like media environment.

The Medium is the Message

McLuhan observes that any medium "amplifies or accelerates existing processes", (Levinson, 1999 p. 36 ) introduces a, "change of scale or pace or shape or pattern into human association, affairs, and action" (Levinson, 1999 p. 36 ), resulting in, "psychic, and social consequences." (Levinson, 1999 p. 36 ). This is an especially relevant interpretation of media; a social and psychic message dependent wholly on the medium itself, regardless of the content produced (Levinson, 1999 p. 36 ). This is fundamentally the meaning of McLuhan’s the medium is the message.

A Theoretical Mélange

Of primary consideration in this study is the power of the media is an example of technology exerting control over human destiny. Often viewed as a mechanism of change, media are almost invariably manipulated by special interests, whether public, corporate, or governmental (Ellul, 1965). Foucault (1966) contends all periods of history have possessed specific underlying conditions of truth that constituted what was acceptable discourse to us and that these conditions have changed over time, in major and sudden shifts. However, if the electronic environment interplays with all the sensory faculties (Levinson, 1999 p. 36-37) cultures are merely hoicking up their own titillation by new media responses framed incorrectly as cultural preferences or interests. This theoretical paradox leaves a dilemma. If you work with these technological electronic media, you may merely be servicing the need for cultural, sensory, or electric titillation. The person who makes video games, movies, books, music, and TV may present an idea, a concept, a clever presentation of psychological intrigue, but the communication is to an audience who needs more and more electric media as a consolation, or a massage. The manipulation in this sense is not corporate, or even truthful, but rather banal lust for sensory stimulation. This study will further refine and understand the degree to which the development of social engagement techniques meet an aesthetic lust for sensory stimulation.

Haraway, (1991) uses the cyborg as a metaphor explaining how the fusion of machine and organism exposes ways that things considered natural, like human bodies, are not, but are constructed by our ideas about them. Haraway feels that this cyborg myth has the potential to free us from a desperate search for similarity with one another and again uncover a paradox worth exploring in this study. The prevalent construct when considering social engagement techniques is the meme of the fully integrated multi-stakeholder collective. Defining social engagement techniques as media reframes the mass mind not as a homogeneous public, but rather as a group of people who have instantaneous, simultaneous communication to each other. (Kroker, 1984,). The cyborg meme operates on the idea that everyone becomes simultaneous within the electronic media context. This study will assist in the exploration of liberation, freedom, and autonomy as understanding concurrent separateness - an awareness of the effects of the media environment of social engagement.

Dienst (1994) shows television can be imagined in a number of ways: as a profuse flow of images; as a machine that produces new social relationships, as the last lingering gasp of Western metaphysical thinking; as a stuttering relay system of almost anonymous messages; as a fantastic construction of time. This study will assist in how social engagement techniques can be imagined in a number of ways: as a profuse flow of images, as a machine that produces social relationships; as the last lingering gasp of western metaphysical thinking; as a stuttering relay system of almost anonymous messages; and as a fantastic construction of time.

Media Ecology and True Autonomy, Liberty, and Freedom

Eisenstein (1979) demonstrates why it is important to understand the problems of media especially in the light of submission en masse to control by programs of our social and emotional lives. Eisenstein carefully examined the transition between the eras of script and print, finding in the latter transition an disregarded feature of Europe’s transformation from  its Middle Age to its modern era i.e. how printing effected the Renaissance, the Reformation, and the rise of modern science. Viewing social engagement techniques as media and the effects they create as well as understanding these as causes of and affect upon the nature of a particular environment, as Eisenstein has done, could accelerate the advance to true autonomy, liberty and freedom. Where social engagement techniques are understood to have the capacity en masse to reframe the previously explained “hoiked up electric titillation” (see above) as prevalent social profiles and nuances. Studying systemic oppression, racism, poverty and other memes of social oppression as media fads will take a fresh discipline in this study beyond the traditional socio - political memes. Defined as media, understanding the ultimate message of social engagement techniques and what they're trying to get across takes on a fresh dimension through the perspective of media ecology. From this perspective the consideration for assessing then arises defined by the construct of considering if social engagement techniques are merely miming the total release of the ‘hoiked up electric titillation’, or are generating genuine release allowing one to be as free as the wind. This framing leads also to postulate how the opposing impulse, i.e. domination over freedom, can be understood. And that's why the understanding of social engagement techniques as media has the potential to better understand that impulse for dominance over human freedom, human discipline or human inspiration.
Illich (1988) posits that changes can be attained if individuals "awaken" to the fact that each person's taken for granted understanding of the world, is seen as being formulated and handed down over the centuries. These conventional perspectives lock individuals into certain solutions and prevent recognition of new ways of living in the world. For example, Illich reflects that the computer has created a change in which thoughts are arranged more by the logic and efficiency of media than by the natural meanings embodied in a live discourse.


Case study research excels at bringing us to an understanding of a complex issue or object and can extend experience or add strength to what is already known through previous research. This qualitative research method to examine contemporary real-life situations and provide the basis for the application of ideas and extension of methods. Researcher Robert K. Yin defines the case study research method as an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context; when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident; and in which multiple sources of evidence are used (Yin, 1984, p. 23).
Some dismiss case study research as useful only as an exploratory tool; as the implication of this study will be primarily personal, this dismissal is redundant. Working with McLuhan’s definition of media and the concept of a resultant psychic communal electronic integration of all humankind; this critical application of fresh personal understandings of media ecology juxtaposed against a unique construct of social engagement as media will lead to an emergent autonomous and organic social engagement tested and applied personally; a social engagement neither ritualistic nor content driven; a social engagement that is fuzzy, emergent, and autonomous of corporate, public or political hypnotic trance inducement.

Chevalier, J. & Buckles, D. (2008). SAS², A Guide to Collaborative Inquiry and Social Engagement. International Development Research Centre. Sage Publications.
Dienst, R., (1994). Still Life in Real Time: Theory After Television. Durham: Duke University.
Illich, I., (1988). ABC: The Alphabetization of the Popular Mind. North Point.
Ellul, J., (1965). Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes. NY: Random House.
Eisenstein, E., (1979). The Printing Press as an Agent of Change: Communication and Cultural Transformations in Early-Modern Europe, 2 vols. NY: Cambridge University Press.
Foucault, M. (1966). The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences. NY: Vintage.
Gershenfeld, N. (1999). When Things Start to Think. NY: Henry Holt & Co.
Haraway, D. (1991). Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature. NY: Routledge.
Kroker, A. (1984). Technology and the Canadian Mind: Innis/McLuhan/Grant. Montreal: New World Perspectives.
Levinson, A. (1999). Digital McLuhan: A guide to the Digital Millenium. London:
McLuhan M. (1964). Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man; 1st Ed. McGraw Hill, NY; reissued MIT Press, 1994, Lewis H. Lapham, Introduction to Understanding Media (First MIT Press Edition).
McLuhan, M. & Powers, B. (1989). The Global Village : Transformations in world life and media in the 21st century. Oxford University Press. New York, N.Y..
Yin, R. K. 1984. Case Study Research: Design and Methods. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Winner, L. (2004). Technology as Forms of Life. In Readings in the Philosophy of Technology. David M. Kaplan. Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield. 103-113.