Saturday, February 20, 2016
there is no returning to business as usual
Capitalist Realism (Mark Fisher), audit culture the confusion of accountability with accountancy is aiding the corrosion of social imagination.
Capitalism is the dominant force in the world and there is little point of resisting it.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Jails and nursing homes
Jails and Nursing Homes
Something to think about:
Let's put the seniors in jail and the felons in nursing homes.
This would correct two things in one motion:
Seniors would have access to showers, hobbies and walks.
They would receive unlimited free prescriptions, dental and medical treatment, wheel chairs, etc.
They would receive money instead of having to pay it out.
They would have constant video monitoring, so they would be helped instantly if they fell or needed assistance.
Bedding would be washed twice a week and all clothing would be ironed and returned to them.
A guard would check on them every 20 minutes.
All meals and snacks would be brought to them
They would have family visits in a suite built for that purpose.
They would have access to a library, weight/fitness room, spiritual counselling, a pool and education...and free admission to in-house concerts by nationally recognized entertainment artists.
Simple clothing - i.e.., shoes, slippers, pj's - and legal aid would be free upon request..
There would be private, secure rooms provided for all with an outdoor exercise yard complete with gardens.
Each senior would have a computer, T. V., phone and radio in their room at no cost.
They would receive daily phone calls.
There would be a board of directors to hear any complaints and the Canadian Civil Liberties Association would fight for their rights and protection.
The orderlies would have a code of conduct to be strictly adhered to, with attorneys available, at no charge to protect the seniors and their families from abuse or neglect.
As for the felons:
They would receive cold food.
They would be left alone and unsupervised.
They would receive showers once a week.
They would live in tiny rooms, for which they would have to pay $5,000 per month.
Support Poverty Awareness Week October 16 - 27, 2010.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Bob's Post McLuhan Paramedia Ecology
Definition: Android Meme - Automated self-replicating unit of cultural transmission; machines communicating with machines.
Remember, the parts of the Android Meme are the Chemical Body, the Astral Body, the TV Body, and the Chip Body. the AP position, which is post-Chip Body and post-TV Body. Human bodies are First Nature, the human bodies make Second Nature, which is media and language. There's a subtle interplay between the bodies and the media. The bodies as souls come and go, but the media keeps building itself through time. So we come to the point where the media builds itself, completes itself, and it's merging with the bodies.
The best way to express that is to show the bodies, show the Android Meme dominating them, which is just simple language dominating humans in this dimension, then the language resolves itself through the Android Meme. We've moved into the fused First and Second Nature situation, and therefore you can't tell the difference between First Nature and Second Nature. Cloned ESP. I mean, people don't need words to function today. They have a post-verbal language, which is the intuitive electric media. Electronic digital media. e-mail be considered language?
That's ESP. That's mainly your instant interaction with people with words that are a component but not the dominating medium. In fact, the post-moderns talk about the end of the logocentric, that's visual space language. Verbal written language, that disappeared in the 20th century. But you still have language in terms of tactile communication, which is, you use a computer, e-mail, the fellow responds back to you, like when you do instant messaging. That's not verbal language. Verbal is inside it, part of what you read, or you can send pictures, but the instantaneous, the medium you use, the digital environment, is the language, is your tongue. It's your means to communicate.
I would say the simple agenda is this. Whatever traditional images you have that make you think you're being affected in a certain way, get rid of those images! Break up those images you have. Don't think "psychosomatic," don't think this, don't think "organic food processes," don't think any of these normal ideas of what might be causing you pain. What's affecting you is something that you can't really visualize. So you loosen up the people's obsession on, "Oh man, I ate too much Wheat Germ, that's causing this, I better go get a doctor to give me a drug."
If you get lost in that thought form, and the doctors give you a "solution," then that'll cause you more problems. You need to just sit back and say, "Yep, I'm being massaged," and just accept it. Basically the population's being put on a collective LSD trip, in a more subtle way than TV managed to do. Because these refined vibratory devices are affecting our chi levels, our etheric bodies, which is then affecting the astral plane. So we're being affected in ways that no knowledge system can map anymore.
The media needs new content. Because the media want to be kept on and people want to live in that discarnate cyberspace of TV. They want to be part of it every day. So every form of human expression will be used and exploited and expressed. So, you can play a game where each one of us is both figure and ground. Every one of us in this planet is in a yin-yang situation - we're creating our own disease as well as curing it.
The hidden environment is what's really motivating everybody, and creating a lot of obsession or neurosis, and the stress of life is always caused by the new invisible environment. Therefore, an antidote or an anaesthetic to that is the past environments, but to use them as props. So, all human creativity is now provided as the content, but the mixed corporate-media create the stress on people, and they're trying to find out how that stress is affecting them. They'll never be able to find out how that stress is affecting them. But all they have to do is understand what I'm talking about.
"Process" is what is affecting all of us, that's the hidden ground, and they just reflected the need, subconsciously, for psychology to adapt to the new electric environment in the '60s and '70s, the electric environment being processual. So they came up with concepts of "process". Now that concept is obsolete because they've exhausted it, people are no longer using it, but they are stuck in an environment that is process incarnate. So, they've got a problem.
You are saturated with TV by the time you are 18 or 19, you want to know what to do, you want to develop an identity. Study something that has taken the best of what has happened in the last 40 or 50 years. You study that and then you realize that the understanding you got from that is obsolete. Then that's the apocalypse - finding out that you don't exist. You have to deal with the fact you live in an almost Oriental oblivion, you live in a resonating void. Once you realize you are gone, you are invisible, in terms of expressing that relation to anybody else, you might then realize "I'm still here!", and then you start to realize you've survived.
by Bob Dobbs - paramedia megalomaniac
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Idle Praxis
A tertiary analysis of communication theory has fortified a repository of many sage words of advice: the study of communication theory offers the opportunity to be reflexive, engaged and an active participant with the conversation about communication theory. (Littlejohn and Foss, 2008, p 77); communication is one of the most persuasive, important, and complex aspects of human life. (Littlejohn and Foss, 2008.). Scholars have made many attempts to define communication but establishing a single definition has proved impossible (Littlejohn and Foss, 2008. ). Theories are not just things to be read and learned, they are constantly evolving works. (Littlejohn and Foss, 2008). Theories are not mutually exclusive from social context and historical traditions, but perhaps a reflection of those (Craig, 2007). Communication theory serves as an avenue of thought to study specialized forms of discourse, cultivated means of thinking and talking (Craig, 2007). Communication Theory is intellectual refinement of ordinary practices; an acts of interpretation (Craig, 2007). Communication theory serves as a fruitful source of ideas and stimulated perfunctory thought (Craig, 2007).
Almost in contradiction to that safe repository, LittleJohn and Foss (Littlejohn and Foss 2008) classify communication as virtually indefinable. Peter Craig posits communication theory as practical while at the same time stating, “even as we do more theory, we become (collectively if not individually) less certain of exactly what we are doing or should be doing. (Craig 2007. ix) 2). Pursuing this professional uber quest within the context of communication theory his theory overload has lead to a dire personal diagnosis of analysis paralysis; the situation where too many choices make it difficult to concretize and cause mental clutter. (Schwartz 2004). The power of analysis paralysis has further had the effect of generating a seemingly idle and discordant praxis out of the uber quest, the predominant question shifting from how to create and sustain healthy communities to how to make sense of and act upon communication theory, which in itself shifts the quest back to how to create and sustain healthy communities.
A primary source for the incongruent need for order in thought, theory, and action comes from Aristotelian histrionics which argue that in the face of uncertainty, in a world based on chance, order emerges in a linear manner as the final and ideal form. Widespread Aristotelian based thinking has imbedded itself as a predominant academic model and has reinforced the idea that clutter and chaotic thought has little value in and of itself other than being observed as a mere component of a linear logical sequence moving toward a final resolution or theory. In an Aristotelian world, idle and dissonant praxis is the antithesis of the best conclusion.
Upholding the linear modality, Claude Shannon formulated a theory explaining the communication of information (Shannon – weaver model, 2003). Shannon’s Information Theory includes the basic elements of any general communication system. Information is the message. Communication is the medium through which the information is transferred and synthesized. According to Shannon, the basic elements of any general communication system includes the following: a) Source b) Sender c) Message d) Channel e) Receiver f) Destination and g) Noise source communication is not just what we talk. Expressions, gestures or visual sense.(4) But effective communication occurs only when the three important aspects of communication viz., 1) visual (used in seeing: the visual sense) (2) audio (pertaining to, or employed in the transmission, reception, or reproduction of sound) and 3) kinesics (the study of body movements, gestures, facial expressions, etc., as a means of communication) are in the right proportion. Therefore, in general, human communication may be defined as, “the process in which all of the three important aspects of communication is involved in the right proportion, in order to exchange information between humans in an effective manner.”
The compulsion toward linearity and the need to avoid dissonance is comparable to satisfying hunger and is reinforced in communication’s cybernetic tradition which states simply that people are more comfortable with consistency than inconsistency. (Festinger as quoted in Griffin, 2006, p 228) People seek homeostasis. The mind is imagined as a system that takes inputs from the environment in the form of information processes and then creates behavioural outputs (Littlejohn and Foss, 2008). Festinger posits three possible outputs: the first registers the input as irrelevant; the second registers the input as consonant and third registers the input dissonant, registering the input as an opposition to some other consonant or irrelevant input; ergo cognitive dissonance is given its birth. The degree of dissonance experienced is a function of two factors (1) the relative proportions of constant dissonant elements and (2) the importance of the elements or issue (Littlejohn and Foss, 2008, p.77). Festinger imagined a number of methods for dealing with cognitive dissonance: (1) altering the importance of the issue of the elements involved, (2) changing one or more of the cognitive elements, (3)adding a new element to one side of the tension or the other, (4) seeing consonant information and (5) distorting or misinterpreting dissonant evidence (Littlejohn and Foss, p.78). The application of the theory of cognitive dissonance then is the active attempt to avoid it. LittleJohn and Foss use the metaphor of buyer’s remorse (Littlejohn and Foss, 2008, p79) to describe cognitive dissonance. Being plagued by regret and second thoughts after a tough choice, people seek information that vindicates their decision and dispels nagging doubt. If an individual states a belief that is difficult to justify, that person will attempt to justify the belief making his or her attitudes more consistent with the statement (Aronson, 2004, p. 164). We succeed in modifying our attitudes because we have succeeded in convincing ourselves that our previous attitudes were incorrect. Acting as if we believe something promotes the belief itself. What becomes illuminated is the ongoing potential for the Stockholm Effect en masse. People are not rational beings but rather rationalizing beings. Humans are motivated not so much to be right as to believe they are right and to justify their own actions beliefs and feelings. When they do something they will try to convince themselves and others that is was a logical reasonable thing to do. (Aronson, 2004, p. 164. An excellent starting place for anyone wishing to experience analysis paralysis, in its own right, are the works of Roland Barthes. Challenging standard beliefs and theorizing on the interpretation of signs Barthes' ultimate goal was to explain how seemingly straightforward signs pick up ideological meaning and work to maintain the status quo. In Barthes’ theory, he states that a sign has a signifier and a signified. The signifier is something that is seen and grasped; what the signifier represents is the signified. You cannot have one with out the other. Manipulation of the signified is the means of retaining social control, or status quo, the modus operandi for modern social marketers, bank robbers, or even community developers.
Paulo Freire challenged the one way flow of Aristotelian histrionics; the traditional communication model. Freire insisted on the fact that communication is a process that cannot be considered in isolation away from social and political processes. But he, like others, called for a greater emphasis on praxis. Freire's "conscentiation" (Friere, 1970) means simply thoughts perceive reality as a process of transformation rather than a static entity. This challenged the one way flow and proposed a communication model rooted in dialogue and discussion. Praxis is reflexive of internal processes rather than external. This again creates a fresh fissure from which to nourish analysis paralysis. Applying Freire’s theory to augment community development strategies creates a paradox; community development is an external process intended to effect change in social structures where reflexivity is internal rather than external.
A parallel paradox is illuminated by extolling reflection on practice rather than theory (Bordieu, 1991). Those who create theory have an abstract logic that is different from the practical logic of those who live in the social world. Those who create theory, the observers, do not represent practical knowledge. Practical activities represent the world of action, things from the experience of participants. This participant-observer paradox has to do with a person's point of view. One is either a participant or an observer. The paradox emerges when one realizes that it is only as an observer that one comes to know that he is a participant and what that entails. What Bordieu wants to do is to create a theory based on practice where life is seen only through subjective experience.
Imagine now three dialogues: in the first a conversation is forgotten quickly, never to be recalled; in the second an enjoyable conversation takes place, but in recalling it content is not remarkable or specific; in the third, someone makes a statement you which you cannot immediately comprehend, and the result is confusion or perhaps embarrassment. What has occurred in the latter example becomes an occurrence of dramatic proportions that neither of the first two examples illustrate (Briankle, 2006,) . These are the theoretical examples offered by Briankle in an effort to postulate a truth in communication: that the sense of apprehension or uncertainly - when there is a moment, however minimal, of non understanding – is the true moment of communication. The sense of apprehension or uncertainly about what is to unfold more powerfully defines an event that is truly communicative when one does not understand. Communication can therefore take place when it appears not to take place. This theory offers yet another communication paradox – in this case to the linear communication model where communication is understood as an intentional and observable process of creating and sharing information for mutual understanding.
Overwhelmed by detail; better than anything that has been herein reviewed and considered, the best resolution of analysis paralysis comes from the Belgian artist Francis Alys’ work The Paradox of Praxis. In this work the artist took a very large block of ice and pushed it through the streets. The melting ice left an evaporating trail of water and eventually nothing more than a puddle evaporating in the street. Praxis is the idea of deep conviction that hard work brings tangible benefits. But as Alys communicated in this work the struggle slowly, steadily, inevitably dissipates transforming first into distraction (the focus on pushing the block of ice through the streets) eventually into trivial sport (playing and kicking the ice block, in its latter form, along the streets), and finally into a soon to be forgotten wet smudge evaporating on an anonymous city street. (Zwirner, The David Zwirner Gallery).
My conclusion: simply overwhelmed.
"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." -Nietzsche
Aronson, E. (2004). The Social Animal (9th ed.). New York: Worth Publishers.
Bordieu, P. (1990). In Other Words: Essays Toward a Reflexive Sociology. Sanford University Press
Bordieu, P. (1991). Language and Symbolic Power, Cambridge University Press
Briankle, C. (1996). Deconstructing Communication Representation, Subject, and Economics of Exchange, University of Minnesota Press.
Craig, R. T., & Muller, H. L. (2007). Theorizing Communication: Readings Across Traditions. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
Griffin, E. (2006). A First Look at Communication Theory (6th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Littlejohn, S. W., & Foss, K. A. (2005). Theories of Human Communication (9th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth.
Schwartz, B. (2004). The Paradox of Choice: Why Less is More, Harper Collins/ECCO. New York, NY.
The Shannon-Weaver Model. In CCMS, Communication Culture and Media Studies, retrieved January 16, 2009 from
Watson, J., & Hill, A. (1989). A Dictionary of Communication and Media Studies (2nd ed.). London: Edward Arnold.
Zwirner, D. David Zwirner Gallery. The Paradox of Praxis. Retrieved January 13, 2009 from
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Gobbledygook and Social Change
One of the most interesting ways to explore communications as a tool for social change is through the lens of nonsense, or gobbledygook. Marshal McLuhan while touring the South Pacific in the late-1970’s was interviewed on the Australian Broadcasting Commission program, Monday Conference (Moody, 2001). Throughout the interview McLuhan discussed dialogue as an alternative to violence, and developed his precept that the task at hand is to understand media because understanding the nature of these forms neutralize some of the adverse effects. McLuhan often inferred a predilection for teasing, challenging and confusing people. As an example, McLuhan frequently punned on the word "message" changing it to "mass age", "mess age", and "massage"; a later book, The Medium is the Massage was originally to be titled The Medium is the Message, but McLuhan preferred the new title which is said to have been a printing error (Wikipedia).
The phrase "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously" was coined by Noam Chomsky as an example of nonsense. The individual words make sense, and are arranged according to proper grammar, yet the result is still nonsense. The inspiration for this attempt at creating verbal nonsense came from the idea of contradiction and irrelevant or immaterial characteristics (an idea cannot have a dimension of color, green or otherwise), both of which would be sure to make a phrase meaningless. The phrase "the square root of Tuesday" operates on the latter principle. This principle is behind the inscrutability of the koan "What is the sound of one hand clapping?", as one hand would supposedly require another hand to complete the definition of clapping. Still, the human will to find meaning, even in nonsense is strong.
The dreamlike language of James Joyce's Finnegans Wake sheds light on nonsense in a similar way; full of portmanteau words, it is bursting with multiple layers of meaning, but in many passages it is difficult to say whether any one person's interpretation of a text is the intended or correct one. There may in fact be no such interpretation.
Jabberwocky is a poem of nonsense verse found in Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There by Lewis Carroll. It is generally considered to be one of the greatest nonsense poems written in the English language. The word jabberwocky has also occasionally been used as a synonym of nonsense.
George Orwell’s novel Animal Farm is about a group of animals who take over a farm in the name of freedom and democracy. Eventually the pigs gain control over the rest of the animals and it becomes a totalitarian state. Similarly, Orwell’s 1984 is about a totalitarian society which controls and manipulates recorded history and the language to control the populace. In his work Politics and the English Language Orwell writes, “Political regeneration is indeed within our package of tasks” (Orwell, G.). He further identifies the marks of political writing such as “staleness of imagery” and “lack of precision” the ability to dissolve the concrete in the abstract. Orwell persists like a priest identifying the mark of the devil, in his case it is the mark of totalitarianism. When one watches some tired hack on the platform mechanically repeating the familiar phrases, one often has a curious feeling that one is not watching a live human being but some kind of dummy; a feeling which becomes stronger at moments when the light catches the speaker’s spectacles and turns them into blank discs which seem to have no eyes behind them And this is not altogether fanciful. A speaker who uses that kind of phraseology has gone some distance towards turning himself into a machine. The appropriate noises are coming out of his larynx, but his brain is not involved as it would be if he were choosing his words for himself. If the speech he is making is one that he is accustomed to make over and over again, he may be almost unconscious of what he is saying. This reduced state of consciousness is favorable to political conformity.
Of all the discordant and truly fantastic theories about language is one that personally provides the most fun; it is that of Linda Goodman (1993), who proposed that in the beginning of all things, the creators spoke certain sounds which produced differing sets of vibrational frequencies in the ethers. Some of these were of such low frequency that they formed particles of what we call matter or physical substance. In this manner were tiny word druids created. These nature spirit druids were charged with the sacred mission of hiding and protecting the Anglo-Saxon alphabet until the preordained time for it to be resurrected and gradually re-seeded into the mass collective sub consciousness of humans. Part of the work of these word druids is to place deeper esoteric meaning within words; many of us have played these anagram games. According to Goodman, by treating each work as an anagram, we discover deep meaning. Goodman calls these Lexigrams. An example of what she does to discern true meaning from words, is here from the word ABORTIONS (Goodman, p.113):
It is torn
It is not born
It is a robot
A robot is not born
No sin
Is abortion sin?
No, it is not a sin
Now, to try this personally it is an opportunity to give common sense a work-out. Chosen arbitrarily the random word selection next lexigramed herein is BULLSHIT:
Is this Bull?
It is still bull.
Thus this is bull.
This is but bull.
A relatively harmless and fun theory, and as silly as it may seem, in an odd and different way it too demonstrates the power which can be hidden in words; incredulity assists us in seeking ways of discerning meaning and truth. Like McLuhan’s teasing, challenging and confusing, these uses of language and communication have the capacity to halt socially conditioned responses and ordinary patterns of interacting and perceiving - and by so doing assist in a next logical step in social change which is to expose the ‘what if’s’. Like discovering positive deviance, these discordant processes and theories have the potential for birthing innovation and to allow new knowing to emerge.
It is truly disheartening however, to learn of a growing body of literature and practice which suggests that innovation does not have to be an uncontrollable force. Instead, it can be a rational management process with its own distinct set of processes, practices, and tools (Keeley, 2007). In fact, some research shows that this type of systematic innovation in an organization typically yields much more productive, scalable, and sustainable ideas over time. Systematic innovation requires well-managed and repeatable processes, to move an organization beyond a dependence on the lightning-strike of sporadic innovations and to create a more constant and dependable flow of new ideas:“Innovation that works is a disciplined process…. The real frontier is to not think of it as a creative exercise, but to think about it as being disciplined in using the right methods.” (Keeley, p.78)
Governments and businesses—especially large corporations—have responded to these insights about systematic innovation by improving their research & development teams, using more collaborative design processes, open-sourcing to find innovation and innovators, and restructuring to offer greater incentives. There are a wide range of new methodologies and strategies that have been developed to help foster and promote innovation. Yet in the social sector, where creative thinking abounds it is in fact the nonsensical and the move to unknowing which is more powerful than the knowing; it is the offering of questions and not the answers which brings the greatest innovation and social change (Born, 2008)
Other than indulging my cultural paranoia, there is no single meaning in this missive for there could be several, I merely wish to demonstrate that truth can be elusive; that knowledge is personal and relative; and to emphasize Orwell’s warnings, be conscious of the world of language and communication. As awareness of deep social trauma enters our lives, we must be aware of the attempts to conceal it. We must be aware of political attempts to use language, written or spoken, to create generalities of reality, to undermine the freedom and rights of all. Listen to your bosses and politicians adopt carefully crafted phrases and listen to yourself as you adopt those phrases; and remember what is suggested here, that nonsense and the incredulity it generates, may be more masterful marriage in the creation of positive and fruitful social change.
Born, P.. 2008. Community Conversations, BPS Books, Toronto ON
Fivebodied, retrieved November 9, 2009 from
Goodman, L. 1993. Linda Goodman’s Starsigns. St. Martins Press, New York, NY
Keeley, L., 2007. Taming of the New. SuccessBooks retrieved from, November 15, 2009
Moody, B., 2001. Redeveloping Communication for Social Change. p. 878 from Communication for Social Change Anthology, Gumucio, A. Retrieved from http:// November 10, 2009.
Orwell, G., Politics and the English Language retrieved from, November 7, 2009
Saturday, June 5, 2010
One of my favourite pieces for MSU (Make Shit Up)
Without apology, I am continuing in my attempt to learn while having my own fun communicating by means of a somewhat discordant narrative. The PCOM 640 Week 9 readings herein referred to, service this purpose ideally as a kind of rabbit hole by which to enter into a better understanding of the latest stages of humanity's complex relationship with all forms of media or what Marshall McLuhan called "the Extensions of Man."
After reading the Week 9 literate shards, Lyon and Niedzviecki respectively, I have experienced an unexpected kind of deja vu. Upon some reflection this reaction relates back to two points of recall. The first, as alluded to in the first paragraph, comes from McLuhan who discerned a subtle interplay between our physical bodies and the media; the bodies come and go, but media keeps building itself through time: we come to the point where the media builds itself and completes itself merging with our bodies. The second point of recall comes from a previous scanning of Baudrillard’s description of the hyperreal and in particular his description of the “Great game of Exchange” ( Baudrillard, p.7), a game grounded in an endless exchange of nothing.
According to Niedzviecki we are deep in the throws of "peep culture": a tell-all, show-all, know-all digital phenomenon that is dramatically altering notions of privacy, individuality, security, and even humanity. Peep culture refers to reality TV, YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, chat rooms, amateur porn, surveillance technology, cell phones and more. Peep culture draws attention to the the irony that we are trying to look for community by moving in solitude into these technologies, for example it is more likely to see people in a social environment immersed in their IPhones and BlackBerrys instead of communicating with people in a room.
In consideration of my deja vu points of recall comes the first look down the rabbit hole. Rather than serving as antecedent of a narcissistic epoch I am instead drawn to a ‘McLuhanesque’ construct of an android hallucination that keeps us fixated on the content and not the effects. Another glance down the rabbit hole also reveals more clearly Baudrillard’s description of the “Great Game of Exchange” (p. 7), referring to an endless exchange of nothing; a game that leads in the end to the liquidation of everything and, “passing around the debt, the unreal unnameable thing you cannot get rid of” (p. 7). Niedzviecki’s peep culture is a portrayal of a media environment which creates and converts data into content which can be bought and sold. Ergo, peep culture merely serves to keep the economy operating. The phatic twittering, jabbering, texting, typing and talking (a digital matrix) is the endless exchange of nothing; its not the messages but rather it is the action of every one participating. As long as people are consuming and generating media we have an economy.
Both Lyon and Niedzviecki appear to be working with the idea that communication is shifting to being the exchange of visual images, and not the intuition and deduction of spoken phrases; a reversion from the aural to visual. A text received on a smart phone is not a conversation in the literate sense, it is an image. The text is the flashing of bright lights into the visual senses. Texting is not communication, it’s taking a flashlight to your corpus callosum just as McLuhan’s description of the nature of watching television. (McLuhan, 1988, p.47)
Overlaying the McLuhan / Baudrillard constructs, media culture and its analysis (this includes Lyon’s and Niedzviecki’s narratives) become an international common hallucination, an hallucination triggered by unprecedented visual interplay with our physical selves. The very act of engaging in theoretical constructs, arguing for their validity becomes and act of international common hallucination triggered by the digital matrix. Phatic discussion of who and how we are free, merely serves to further amplify a kind of paranoia of our digital age with its linch-pin being Orwellian allegory. As objects of ocular surveillance, our lives are depicted as no longer anything but a gigantic simulacrum. Promoting the study of surveillance culture ultimately will deter any reference to the real but instead retrieve Orwellian analogies and further reaffirm our belief in the values associated with a mocked-up representation of the real; merely reaching, responding, and creating more content.
What people have been subjected to, i.e. the media completing itself and merging with our physicality, is beyond comprehension when held in comparison to the default Orwellian surveillance meme. Analyzing the digital matrix as a maturation chamber for emergent peep habits, or as a tool of surveillance is based on simple sender receiver constructs. Whereas McLuhan and Baudrillard show us media is about an experience which is beyond the dimensions of the physical body. We are all connecting our bodies into a massive network, creating a massive calculator. Forty years ago, Marshall McLuhan's description of William Burroughs' Naked Lunch, in retrospect, hits the bulls-eye when applied to our interactive-media world:
"... Burroughs, whose world is a paradigm of a future in which there
can be no spectators but only participants. All men are totally
involved in the insides of all men. There is no privacy and no private
parts. In a world in which we are all ingesting and digesting one
another, there can be no obscenity or pornography or decency. Such is
the law of electric media which stretch the nerves to form a global
membrane of enclosure." (McLuhan, 1964).
Ironically, both Lyon and Niedzviecki are producing these matrix feeding weapons of mass instruction (a phrase borrowed from a book of the same title by John Taylor Gatto). The very processes they are attempting to subsume by illumination are relished by multinational markets craving to imbed the interaction of their laboratory designed, mass produced, digitized wealth. Facilitated by the flickering of millions of screens literate culture becomes a function of algorithms and digital outputs. What we regard as meaningful exploration of emerging social constructs is merely a literate media pantomime, an illusion of individuals participating in forms of media which is merely spectacle for the processing analyzing, filtering and transmitting of digital data into machines. This is not peep, pop, nor surveillance. Rather, it is the construct of digital computer networks building, completing, and merging themselves to the banality of a literate society flailing in the after-image of capitalism. (Bauldrillard, 2001)
Lyon and Niedzviecki have found their own rabbit hole, deep into the dialectic between culture and technology; striving to hoik up the political; seeking culpability, compliance, and legality by emphasizing a need to think about what privacy is and means to each individual. I’ve just begun to probe my own rabbit hole and I see that culture and technology have merged, and come alive. Technology has taken on a life of its own, and the digitized illusion of certainty has dissolved.
This information is top security. When you have read it, destroy yourself.
-Marshall McLuhan-
Baudrillard, J. (2001). Impossible Exchanges. (C. Turner, Trans.). London: Verso. (Original work published 1999).
McLuhan, M. & McLuhan, E. (1988). Laws of Media: The New Science. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
McLuhan, M. (1964). The Nation, pp.517-19. retrieved April 2, 2009 from:
Last submission to the oligarchs of literacy
Professional engagement at the grassroots level is common for community developement within communities where subtle and delicate variations of physical and economic decline, social isolation, and political disempowerment is evident. Community development practitioners work with community groups to liberate oppressed populations by developing and implementing practices which help to reclaim the personal power of people within marginalized communities. The media tools and methods used by some community development practitioners, to improve neighborhood conditions and the wellbeing of the individuals, are perceived by practitioners to be value-free and neutral ways for problem solving. However, some in the communities would argue that the tools used are highly politicized. This paper applied Marshall McLuhan’s law of media (McLuhan & McLuhan, 1988) to assist in establishing a general conceptual framework to both examine the social implication of media technology for community development. The finding, which uncover a media paradox, provide a guidepost for the professional practice of community development being a continuous process of defining and redefining our social goals.
A Case Study of Community Development Using McLuhan’s Law of Media
Professional engagement at the grassroots level is common in communities where subtle and delicate variations of physical and economic decline, social isolation, and political disempowerment exist. Community development becomes highly politicized in these areas (because…). The drive to improve neighborhood conditions and the wellbeing of individuals and families is a daunting task. Establishing a common understanding of the relationship between community development and positive social change, is a challenge because community development can be defined differently by various people. For example, during the early 1990s at least 25 different definitions of community development circulated widely throughout the community development literature (Garcia, Giuliani, & Wiesenfeld, 1999). The concept of social engagement and change is even more elusive, considering the different theories of society developed by social scientists and theorists (Filmer, Jenks, Searle, & Walsh, 1998). Inspite of these inconsistencies, community development is generally perceived by practitioners to be a means that is value-free and neutral for helping groups to solve problems. This paper re-examined the meaning of community development within the context of the increasing complexities imposed by the modern media environment. New electronic technology and emerging developments in web-based social media are, indeed, becoming increasing more popular for communicating various forms of social and environmental information throughout society (Sui & Goodchild, 2001). This paper will take a closer look at the extent to which McLuhan’s law of media can be applied to examine the impact of community development as a new medium.
Canadian communication theorist Marshall McLuhan made a name for himself in the 1960s and 1970s with his groundbreaking studies concerning the impact of media on individuals and on society. McLuhan’s studies on media are best represented by his trilogy: The Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man (1951), The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man (1962), and Understanding Media: The Extension of Man (1964). With the emergence of the Internet and the information superhighway, McLuhan’s theories make greater sense in the current decade than they did in 1960s (Biro, 2000). The following brief introduction to McLuhan’s law of media was used to uncover various unexplored dimensions of community development and the capacity of community development to have a positive social effect on those delicate variations of physical and economic decline, social isolation, and political disempowerment.
McLuhan was hailed by his supporters for his ability to probe human perceptions that had been constrained and dulled by the emerging and ever-changing technical environment (Cathcart & Gumpert, 1986). McLuhan argued that there have been three dominant modes of communication throughout human history: oral (speech), writing (printing press), and electronic media. Each dominant medium has produced strikingly different psychic and physical impacts on individuals and on society as a whole. McLuhan summarized these effects concisely in his law of media, which was presented within a tetradic framework in a book coauthored with his son Eric (McLuhan & McLuhan, 1988). McLuhan’s law of media has four major elements: Any innovation in communication media will invariably (a) intensify or enhance certain aspects of a given culture while at the same time (b) making certain aspects of human mental ability or cultural practice obsolete. Furthermore, all media innovations (c) retrieve a phase of cultural practice long forgotten and (d) undergo a reversal when extended beyond the limit of their potential, such that when a culture is saturated with a particular type of medium there is a reversal effect with respect to the original intent of that media.
Case study research excels at providing an understanding of complex issues or objects and can extend experience or add strength to what has already been demonstrated by previous research. This qualitative research method is designed to examine contemporary “real-life” situations and provides a basis for the application of ideas and extension of methods. Researcher Robert K. Yin (1984) defined the case study research method as an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context, when the boundaries between phenomena and context are not clearly evident and where multiple sources of evidence are used (p. 23).
The case study approach is especially useful for organizing a wide range of perspectives and then seeking patterns and themes (Feagin, Orum, & Sjoberg, 1991), and I will use it to explore the neutrality of the tools used in community development. Working with McLuhan’s law of media, and viewing community development as a form of media, this paper explores a hypothetical tetrad-like analysis of community development to reveal the fuzzy, paradoxical, and ambivalent nature of community development. This paper calls for a shift in perspective that will allow community development to fulfill various democratic ideals in society. Viewing community development as a medium for communication rather than as an instrument for problem solving, enabled me to critically examine how people and environments have been represented, manipulated, and visualized within community development. This examination, in turn, allowed me to promote a more autonomous and liberating community development practice.
The paper presents a tetradic case study that was conducted by applying the four questions raised in McLuhan’s framework to the relationship between community development and McLuhan’s law of media. For the purposes of this paper, community development is defined as a dynamic collection of complex, interacting webs of social, economic, political, and cultural relationships among individuals and institutions whose goal is positive social change (Chevalier & Buckles, 2008). The primary value expressed within community development is that collaborative and cooperative interactions build consensus and produce meaningful outcomes (Chevalier and Buckles, p.15). Media are generally understood as a means of sending messages or communicating information, in addition to being the instrument by which mass communication takes place in a modern society (Brügger & Kolstrop, 2002). In a very general sense, community development can be understood as a new technology in an already crowded media jungle, a media technology specifically focused on the communication of development information.
Marshall McLuhan’s law of media is invoked in this paper to demonstrate how media theories can shed light on the social implications of community development, and particularly community development as a medium. Community development has increasingly become a means to communicate certain aspects of the real world to the general public, from the general public. In the end, the goal of all community development is to communicate information to society at large in order to reach social consensus on a variety of issues. All other functions, such as empowerment and social policy change, are intermediate steps serving primarily as means to an end, which is communication.
Literature Review
Many authors, notably Jacques Ellul (1965), Marshall McLuhan (1962) and Lewis Mumford (1934), have written about the impact of modernity and media on the individual. These authors observed how media technology alters the understanding of self in the world through its effect on such things as time and space, as well as its ability to change firmly held constructions about human existence.
Systems theorists argue that all parts of a system are interrelated; that is, the parts interdependently and interactively influence each other. In communication research, systems are often referred to as contexts and are nested within other systems. That is, “All communication takes place within a matrix of systems: the relationship between communicators, the physical setting, the society” (Walther, 1996, p. 13). Society and culture are two systems that influence the communication process, especially the interpretation of messages. Conversely, communication supports the formation of culture and cultural belief systems.
In addition to the diverse effects of a technologically mediated society, attempts at defining communication must examine the shared worlds of the participants who are involved in the communication. Walther (1996) described this dual communication perspective—shared worlds and formation of culture—in terms of society shaping the rules of behavior. Most social behavior is first learned within the context of the family unit; once the family behavior is understood, the individual moves out into other social groups. The ability to conceptualize the self with others in social settings is key to identity formation and effective interpersonal communication (p. 27).
Meyrowitz (1985, p. 131) employed the theories of George Herbert Mead (1932, 1934) to gain a better overall understanding of how other people think and evaluate their own actions. Mead (1934) suggested that individuals perceive their own behavior when they can envision themselves as social objects in relationship to others. According to Meyrowitz, television is a medium that enables viewers to experience an interpersonal relationship with television actors. However, the friendship that forms between the actor and the audience member is limited, because television actors do not provide interactive feedback. In contrast to this, interpersonal relationships that develop in face-to-face contexts are subject to change, as communicators adjust their messages based on feedback from the other person. Although television creates the feeling of interpersonal communication, the medium places limitations on the quality of the interpersonal relationships that develop. At the level of understanding the individual in relationship to others, Mead’s ideas provide a tertiary theoretical foundation for this study.
Mead (1934) theorized that the development of self is constructed through the realization of interactions with others. Filmer et al. (1998) described this realization as follows: “Within the individual, self-formation is generated in terms of a dialogue between two parts, the ‘I’ and the ‘me’” (p. 29). The “I” is made up of sociological and psychic stimuli that produce gestural behavior. In contrast, the “me” is the “response of the other which is internalized by the individual” (p. 29). As an individual becomes self-aware, he or she is simultaneously becoming aware of others. Conscious awareness of self and of others leads to identity formation.
Time is a communication medium characteristic central to the media ecology studies conducted by Lance Strate (2003). Human relationships build over time, and different media support the exchange of messages in either synchronous or asynchronous time. In interpersonal communication, exchanges of synchronous messages are often quite spontaneous. In contrast, exchanges of asynchronous written messages tend to be more reflective. For example, “a handwritten or typed letter can facilitate a personal relationship over distance, but the time it takes to transport the message along with the lack of immediate feedback alters the quality and quantity of information shared” (Cathcart & Gumpert, 1986, p. 30). The interactionism communication model suggests that through communication over time, communicators share a symbolic world that enlarges over time (Barnes, 2002).
Michel Foucault (1979) also described attempts to model a symbolic world that enlarges over time. In his examination of total institutions such as prisons and asylums, Foucault discussed a concept called panoptic power, or the power to see all. He adapted this idea from Jeremy Bentham’s 18th-century panopticon concept. Bentham argued that control and submission to authority could be maintained if inmates believed that their behavior could be observed at any time without their knowledge or consent. For the inmates, the power of authority is known but unverifiable, therefore shaping their behavior to that desired by those in control. Foucault carried this concept into the 20th century and described its impact on individuals. Acccording to Foucault, panoptic power has the ability to induce in the inmate a state of conscious and permanent visibility that assures the automatic functioning of power. So to arrange things that the surveillance is permanent in its effects, even if it is discontinuous in its action; that the perfection of power should tend to render its actual exercise unnecessary. (p. 201)
Therefore, “the inmate must never know whether he is being looked at at any one moment: but he must be sure that he may always be so” (p. 201). In this way, “he is seen, but he does not see: he is the object of information, never a subject of communication” (p. 200).
Media theorist Neil Postman (1985) demonstrated how media create symbolic environments that influence the way in which information is interpreted. For example, television creates an environment that presents information primarily in the form of entertainment. As a result, it is difficult to present serious issues through television programming. Moreover, the emphasis of visual symbols in television is more likely to evoke an emotional response in viewers. People first respond to visual imagery on an emotional, unconscious level before rational interpretation takes place. Additionally, because of the direct relationship between an image and the object it represents, visual representations of objects and people are likely to evoke feelings. In contrast, because language is abstracted from the object, the printed word requires a different type of cognitive understanding. The relation of words (including print) to objects, places, and things involves logic and reflection. Furthermore, people must know the language before they can understand what the words represent.
According to Lasch (1984), individuals attempt to defend themselves against feelings of victimization and powerlessness that are common in modern society. Lasch argued that society has begun to engender a behavior—which he called narcissistic survivalism—that was formerly observed only in extreme situations. Behaviors such as selective apathy, emotional disengagement from others, and a renunciation of past and future (living one day at a time) are all attempts to protect a core “minimal self” in dire straits. Attempts at narcissistic survivalism “have come to shape the lives of ordinary people under the ordinary conditions of a bureaucratic society widely perceived as a far-flung system of total control” (p. 58).
Lasch (1984) described the defense mechanisms that the individual employs to accomplish this narcissistic survivalism in response to the invasiveness of living in a modern, technological society: “Under siege, the self contracts to a defensive core, armed against adversity. Emotional equilibrium demands a minimal self, not the imperial self of yesteryear” (p. 15). Generally, this contraction of self is manifested through adapting and conforming behaviors, and through demonstrating compliance to the demands of the outside world in an attempt to protect the core minimal self. This adaptation blurs the frontiers of self and the outside world and creates more feelings of vulnerability, which are due to fear of exposure and discovery of self by those in authority.
According to Theall’s (2001) interpretation of McLuhan, dichotomous intellectual discourses deeply rooted in the visual mode of thinking are the result of the Gutenberg printing press revolution. This visual mode of thinking leaves little room for participation or for alternative discourses. Further, according to Sui and Goodchild (2001), McLuhan described a fundamental shift from the valuing of linear thinking (literacy) to the valuing of multisensory acoustic thinking. Literate thinking places information structurally and sequentially, with fixed boundaries. Acoustic thinking regards information as interconnected simultaneously, without boundaries. Visual thinking is thus centered and bounded, whereas acoustic thinking is built on a holistic and organic ontology. Acoustic space has not one fixed cardinal center, but many centers that are all floating in a cosmic system that honors only diversity. This shift demands that we engage in simultaneous understanding and integral awareness (Sui & Goodchild, 2001). The shift from a predominantly visual metaphor to an aural one was one of the major changes in the late 20th century and was made possible by an array of philosophical, technological, and social changes. At the fundamental level, visual and aural thinking (eye versus ear) uphold a different set of social values. We now know that sound imposes its concreteness on us by immersing us and surrounding us in its field. Furthermore, sound has a tendency to socialize, although voice is inherently relational and subjective. In contrast, sight entails an object world fixed in space, giving an illusion of permanence; vision is thus inherently detached and objective (Theall, 2001).
McLuhan’s tetrad enables us to reposition ourselves into a mode of thinking that is dynamic and holistic and to move away from the monolithic, linear, visual mode of thinking and being. Rather than simplistic utopian and dystopian views, McLuhan’s inclusive and irreducible four-part law of media provides a conceptual framework within which to understand the relationship between community development and various unexplored dimensions of community development which effect the delicate variations of physical and economic decline, social isolation, and political disempowerment. An exploratory probe resting on a set of questions instead of a bounded theory, the tetrad facilitates a simultaneous understanding and integral awareness (Sui & Goodchild, 2001).
What Does Community Development Enhance?
Community development practitioners generally agree that community development has greatly facilitated a variety of exciting new tools for analyzing and visualizing social change (Chevalier & Buckles, 2008). From a broader perspective, community development must be understood as a part of the information revolution that has transformed our society from an industrial society into a postindustrial one (Strate, 2003).
Correspondingly, participatory research methodologies have been enhanced by community development, as is indicated by the capacity of these methodologies to effectively incorporate community action into the research plans of many traditionally trained researchers. It was not until this incorporation of community action that communities started to fully appreciate the benefits of participatory research, which had initially seemed too abstract for many (Gustavsen, 1996).
What Does Community Development Make Obsolete?
McLuhan’s law of media proposes that new media and technology do not simply extend our various mental and physical faculties. On the contrary, these media simultaneously render obsolete various social practices and human faculties. By “obsolescence,” McLuhan does not mean that certain media or social practices totally disappear or become outdated, but rather that they are no longer dominant. Community development does not simply extend our consensus capabilities without compliance to oligarchical power; it simultaneously renders obsolete many aspects of qualitative information-gathering practices such as focus groups and surveys. In other words, community development is influencing certain aspects of democracy as we know it (Krippendorff, 1995). Likewise, for an increasing number of social researchers, community development has rendered obsolete and has even partially eliminated the validity of collecting second-hand data, as so much primary data is increasingly available and accessible via social engagement. The reliance on primary data for information gathering and social applications has profound legal, ethical, and methodological implications (Chevalier & Buckles, 2008). During the past decade we have witnessed an increase in participatory research being conducted at the community level. This has not taken place in laboratories, office rooms, or journals, but rather in the field. Public service agencies are now relying on the creation of public policy based agencies such as the Saskatoon Health Region. That is, organizations that historically have relied heavily on quantitative medical data are now placing a greater emphasis on the collection and management of qualitative community-based data as one of their primary functions (Lemstra & Neudorf, 2008).
What Does Community Development Retrieve?
The third element of McLuhan’s framework is that new media retrieve certain practices and cultural elements long regarded as obsolete. One of the grand themes of his thesis, and perhaps the most controversial, is that electronic media are breaking from the dominant linear thinking patterns of the printed word, which itself made obsolete the oral tradition as the dominant mode of communication in many facets of society. In sharp contrast to the printing press, which is a predominately visual medium, electronic media are aural, tactile, and geared toward the ear or other senses. That is, electronic media are retrieving many traits of the oral culture—a phenomenon that Ong (1982) referred to as “the second orality.”
In the context of community development, the retrieval aspect has gone through several stages. The initial success of community development relied heavily on emancipatory constructs. Deficiencies in emancipatory capabilities motivated the community to retrieve many of the techniques developed during the quantitative revolution, as was evidenced by efforts during the late 1980s and early 1990s to link community development with spatial analysis and modeling tools. These efforts to improve the analytical capability of community development have led to the realization that our current conceptualization of community development is incomplete (Chevalier & Buckles, 2008). Thus, the second major retrieval within community development is the study and incorporation of electronic media, which is evidenced by the initiative of a grassroots social focus on marketing models and their potential role in the development of better social engagement tools for community development (Sui & Goodchild, 2001). A third major retrieval effort within community development is possibly the endeavor by social researchers—as well as critical social theorists—to link community development to various aspects of social theories in order to track and monitor best practices (Chevalier & Buckles, 2008).
Perhaps even more significant is the notion that community development has retrieved the role of speech and narrative. Community development as a medium does not simply lay the foundation for a bountiful community garden, an increase in social assistance benefits, or access to social housing. Behind these is usually a story to be read or a speech to be heard.
What Does Community Development Reverse Into?
The last proposition of McLuhan’s law of media is that when a medium is pushed to its limit it will be reversed to the opposite of what it was originally designed for: “We become what we behold; we first make the tools, then the tools will make us” (McLuhan, 1964, p. 23). McLuhan attempted to show that in the beginning media were an extension of people, but in time people become an extension of media. When a medium is pushed to its limit it becomes the message itself. Critical scholars of technology give this process a variety of different names, including technopoly (Postman, 1992). When we surrender our goals and social practices to the technical requirements of a machine, the technology itself becomes an “iron cage” (Lee, 2003) that restricts our imagination and creativity.
When community development is reversed into its opposite, it ceases to promote democratic practices in society. Instead, community development becomes driven by corporate greed or the state’s insatiable desire to survey and to collect intrusive information from ordinary citizens (Nissenbaum, 1999). Consequently, we become slaves of our media instead of using media to serve our higher goals and aspirations. Hypothetically, community development, when coupled with other information and communication technologies, could become a super panopticon to monitor and survey rather than to help ordinary citizens, especially the truly disadvantaged (Sui & Goodchild, 2001).
The central theme of McLuhan’s law of media is that the effect of media (or technology in general) on society is inherently paradoxical. Such paradoxical effects defy simplistically good or bad characterizations, therefore, it is necessary to understand the four aspects of the tetrad simultaneously. McLuhan’s implicit message is that the social impact of media is ambivalent, that excessive use always leads to the opposite of its original intent. In the context of community development, it is futile to debate whether community development is good or bad for society. The only meaningful question is how to reveal and deal with the ambivalent nature of the application of community development in society.
The redefinition of community development as new media constitutes a fundamental paradigm shift in current community development practices. It has been presented herein that most current community development applications have been treated as value-free and neutral in order to generate objective social consensus. This paper uncovers the argument that such a conceptualization of community development has unduly restricted the questions that can be asked and has created a false sense of objectivity. McLuhan’s work by extension provides a powerful framework for understanding the social, and sometimes unintended, consequences of community development. Re-emphasizing the nature of community development as a communications medium enables a better understanding of its somewhat elusive nature. Furthermore, an appreciation of community development as media provides a better understanding of how individuals and organizations might be able to systematically manipulate communication to conceal possible problems and solutions, engineer consent and trust, and misrepresenting facts and expectations. Community development practices, like all other media and communication tools, can be abused by individuals and organizations to manipulate results to legitimize and impose political, economic, and social agendas. This shift to a media rationality enables a more critical examination of how space, people, and environment have been represented, manipulated, and visualized within community development. Such a critical examination can promote a more democratic community development practice.
It may seem absurd to question the intent of community development that promotes the genuine caring for others as well as the world we live in. However, despite widespread community development, social inequity stubbornly persists. As Wittgenstein (1922) tried strenuously to prove, we cannot express everything about language using language itself, and we cannot solve social problems using technologies and media alone. Furthermore, this paper offers an that upholds the importance of a questioning that shakes people out of their reality. With the rapid advance of electronic media, humanity has run deeper and deeper into technological and media paradoxes which impact community development. McLuhan’s tetrad indicates the tools and technologies used as media to promote democratic development will inevitably make it impossible to provide solutions to social problems. To transcend this media paradox, a continuous process of defining and redefining our social goals is necessary, in order to not allow any media to dictate what society does and why.
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